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Monday, December 28

The Growth of a Prayer

Alright, so I decided to post the very first prayer up, simply as a teaser for everyone. It is the very first prayer in this book. I will not continue the story until the first, and have decided to post a new "prayer" up every Tuesday and Friday, beginning on Friday, the 1st of January.

Well, here it is.

- ShawnEvans

5 Years Old

Dear Jesus,

I lernd bout you at church todey. Me and my mommy went and I likded it. There were a lot of kids there to play with me. The grown up lady sed to ask you four stuf. She said it was called prayment or prayr or something. Umm, Please gimme that red truk I want fur my berthdey. I sawd it at the stor but mommy sed it was to much mony. I see her rite cheks all the tim, so i think shes lying to suprize me wit it. But if she dosnt gimme it, can you jesus?


Sunday, December 20

New Years Preparation

So, I've made a decision to have a more concise focus and plan for this Blog in the New Year.

My blog, if planned out and implemented correctly, will consist of a book called "The growth of a prayer."

The hope for the blog is that it will give us a small glimpse of what God encounters on a daily basis with just a single individual. I will begin on New Years Day, with the prayer of a 5 year old, and hopefully, by the end of the year, we will have the prayer of a fully grown individual. It will be an interesting experience for us both, (Me the writer and you the reader.)

"But, but, but, but!!!! What about "The Memoirs I wish I could write"???!?!?!1!?"

I'm glad you asked! I will be writing these as well, on the side. My main focus will be "The Growth of a Prayer", and when I have extra time, I will write up some pages for "The Memoirs I wish I could Write."

I really hope this has some type of affect, if not on your life, on mine.

Thank you for your time. I will not be writing any blogs until the 1st day of the year 2010, as I am preparing for the journey of "The Growth of a Prayer."

God Bless!

Friday, December 18

A Divine Relationship

Something I've always had to remind myself is that I'm not just doing a simple process, task, or lifestyle called Christianity. This goes beyond a fragile lifestyle or philosophy.

This is a relationship. Even as I type this, God wants to be completely tangible to me, completely my everything. I especially have a hard time writing this because the time that I use to type this is time that God may want to speak to me.

One of my new years resolution is to grow in my ability to communicate with God. I want to be on-call at all times, willing to worship Him with everything, all the time, any time. I had a taste of this the other night.

I was playing one of the songs that will be on Catalyst's new EP: Matchless, and I was just thinking about the lyrics that I wrote:

"The skies depart,
the waves come crashing,
its all for you
The mountains Sing
The rain shouts your glory
And its all for you"

And I was meditating on how amazing the nature that God has created is.

How many rain drops fall, or ants underground live and die, or waves crash that we aren't even aware exist. I mean, how many lizards exist in the mountains that no human will ever see, simply to worship God, the creator?

And even more, I have words to pronounce to God, how much MORE can I worship him?

I don't know, maybe I'm rambling, but God truly has a desire to have a relationship with us, to have "inside jokes", to be able to think each others thoughts (more so, me thinking his thoughts), to be able to have something beyond the thing we call "Friendship."

TO return to the song Matchless. A single word in that song is sort of like an 'Inside Joke' between me and God.

I say marvelous to A LOT of people, especially when I'm in a theatrical setting. And one day, God told me "You call everyone else marvelous, and you have yet to call me that." And I stood back, and was just in awe.

Now, everytime I sing "Your Marvelous", its like, "God, remember when..."

I want more of that.
I want more of Him.

Monday, December 14

Therapy of an Atheist Session 1

"Hello, My name is Jack."


"And whats your name?"


"Okay. Now, why are you here?"

"I don't really know. I mean, I do know, but i can't really express it."

"Why don't you give me one word to explain how you feel?"

"Well, if I had to limit it to one word, I'd probably say 'lost'. But I haven't gone anywhere. That's the issue."

"You feel you've become lost? Your exactly where you've always been, but you say you've become lost?"

"I'm not really sure that I'm lost, I just don't know where I am."

"Why does 'where you are' matter."

"Without my 'where' how could I ever know my 'who'?"

"mmmm. So, its a loss of identity"

"Don't label me."

"Do you have any hobbies? or activities you enjoy doing?"

"Not really. I go to the same mundane, robotic job, attend the same movie theater once a month, which by the way, has become one of the only things I look forward to."

"And why is that?"

"Because I feel that maybe I would be able to re-enact someone in the movie, and find my identity."

"And have you?"

"Have I what? Found someone worth identifying with?"


"Its the movies! None of it is real, none of it is reality."

"So why do you go, if you know you'll never find that one character?"

"I don't know. Maybe its an outlet."

"You know, you don't have to ditto someone else's actions to have an identity. You are an original, authentic being."

"You have two arms, I have two arms. You have two feet, I have two feet. So much for authentic."

"So, your flesh is the only thing that could identify you as original?"

"Look at these pens. There's a black one, and a blue one. We see them as original compared to eachother, until we open your drawer over there and find that there are more black ones and blue ones."

"Are you a pen?"

"Don't mock me."

"I'm rather serious. Aren't you more than a pen, a thinking, feeling, rational human being?"

"No. There is no depth in science."

"What about beyond science?"

"Nothing beyond science. Science is the ONLY truth anyone can rely on. A chemist doesn't hope to God that medicine will be created, he hopes that his science is correct."



"Your belief about science has led you to adopt the same belief about yourself. You've begun to hold a dead hope. Nothing beyond."

Beep Beep Beep

"Oh, well, I guess that means times up. I will see you next week?"

"Sure, jack."

Tuesday, December 8

The Memoirs I wish I could write, Page 48

, I licked my lips, gazed into her eyes, and said "Don't follow me."

And I left her there. She sat silently, confused. Many people have asked me why I did such a horrible thing in the presence of perfection. And I simply nod, and change the subject, but I finally believe that I did what I did so I would simply remain unpredictable.

Is unpredictability that important? Is it so relevant to remain mysterious, with too many loose ends?

It was to me.

I walked in confidence towards my house knowing that that single night would remain silent. Where I went next would be the beginning of yet another, predictable, disastrous relationship.

Page 48.
End Chapter.

Tuesday, December 1

The Memoirs I wish I could Write, Page 46

-ng the joy, the pleasure, the passion we both mutually shared with one another. Our laughter grew into slight chuckles, as the stars above us spoke its silence.

It was an interesting feeling, admiring what was above us in fear of what was ahead of us.


"Shh!" An abrupt pause to my lack of sentimentalism. "Let's go."

Maybe it was her ability to make the moment much more than it was, or her way of controlling things, but I simply followed, unaware of how emotionally dangerous the night would later become.

"Close your eyes." She asked, and I did. I was so cliche to think that she said that so she'd kiss me, but she just grabbed my hand and kept walking.

"Where are you-"

"I said to Shh!" She chuckled.

And we continued for about five minutes.

"Alright, feel that? Sit on it." She directed.

I sat.

"Now, open your eyes."

And there we were. Both at the beginning, the moment my life changed eternally, the bench where I met her. so Long ago.

And more so, she was sitting on...

Page 46