I am going to make my first attempt in writing and expressing the thoughts that have dominated my "past time" thinking for the past few months. This is a first attempt, and will obviously have many area's that are "grey," "misunderstood," or completely "confusing." I apologize for this.
Before I continue, I want to define a few things to help you, the reader, understand the words that I am using.
Ontology: From the books I've read, and the definitions I've come to believe, this word will, for the rest of my article, be defined simply as "the study of -to be-". Another definition that I've come to love as I've read a few existential articles is simply "the metaphysical study of -existence- itself."
To help, look at the pen, or paper, or phone, or whatever item is next to you. Is it real? What makes it real? Your ability to see it, touch it? Your ability to perceive it with your five senses? Your ability to use it? Is its existence dependent or independent from your existence? Is anything dependent or independent from your existence?
This is part of the process for the "Ontologist." The questions stated above will be referenced to, and hopefully answered, in the rest of the article.
Christianity: If I were to define Christianity, I would be limiting my God. So I'm completely hoping your definition is clear enough for YOU to reference it, if needed, on an unbiased level, for the success of my article.
Existence: I laughed after I wrote that word. Because my entire article will hope to truly define "existence." Haha. But the words meaning: to be really real, truly real, wholly real.
Now, to the grand presentation!
Since the Danes have birthed Soren Kierkegaard, Christian Existentialist has formed to be a type of "Anarchist Christianity," a type of Christianity that is simply erroneous in its claims that Jesus advocated Anarchy.
This is not the issue that I will be discussing. When I state "Christian Ontology," it is just that, Christian "Studies of what -is-."
Is what's in front of us real?
My answer is a sudden... Yes and No. The material world, the flesh, does not eternally exist. It temporarily exist.
God has given us a choice. To live according to the eternal things of heaven or to live according to the temporal things of this world.
God has gifted us with 5 different senses, and some could even argue more: Hearing (and within hearing, the ability to be aware of different tones, pitches, etc), Smelling, Seeing, Tasting, and Touching (and within Touching, The ability to be aware of different temperatures). It is with these gifts that we discover the temporal. it is NOT with these gifts, though, that we become aware of the Eternal.
Romans 8:5-7
"5Those who live according to the sinful nature(The temporal illusion of what "is") have their minds set on what that nature desires (Temporal); but those who live in accordance with the Spirit (Eternal existence.) have their minds set on what the Spirit desires (Eternal). 6The mind of sinful man[e] is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7the sinful mind[f] is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. 8Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. "
As Christians, we must become aware of the fact that everything in this world is temporal, from the pen and couch, to your fame and influence. We get lost in worshiping the temporal, instead of worshiping the eternal. GOD HAS GIVEN US THE TEMPORARY. He has gifted us a life in this world so that we may use it to our advantage, in our pursuit of aiding the lost and dying, the sick and hopeless.
In the grand scheme of things, the temporary isn't real. It is, and was, but it will never forever be. This is God, a God who Was, Is, and Is to Come, The Christ of "I Am." God is speaking in that still, small voice, saying to the world "I exist. Worship the Eternal."
The only thing Eternal is God. In Revelation, God say's "I will make a new heaven and a new earth." Not even the dwelling place of YHWH is eternal. Lucifer was once an angel, and is now Satan. His creations aren't eternal. Only HE.
We get lost in this paradox. "If the world isn't eternal, than gravity, the laws of physics, evolution, or science for that fact aren't eternal. Can we, than, place our trust in these things?" Absolutely not. Place our trust in the Eternal, the thing that exists, forevermore.
Everything but GOD is dependent on God, itself. (This will later on be explained deeper in two other articles I plan to write called "The Problem of Evil/Pain" and "An Atheists reliance to Denial: Questions that have already been answered.") BUT, GOD is not dependent on us. He would exists whether or not we existed. This is whats so amazing. He created because he WILLS for us to exists, and to know him. How amazing?!
I am now open for questions and points of clarification. (Student Congress. Gah!)
Saturday, September 12
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