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Monday, September 21

Words from the Astro Turf.

So, Joe Wilson yelled at Obama, saying "You Lie" after Obama says the health care reform won't cover illegal immigrants.

Wait. That's actually a lie.

I think Senator Wilson is a completely accurate representation of what the American people would like to tell Obama. Here are a few statements that I believe everyone would like to yell out during a phony speech:

Please stop lying to us. We love the fact that you want to inspire the American people, but please do this without putting Freedom, Liberty, and Truth on the stake.

Please, shut up. You talk too much. This is called being "annoying." If your going to talk, make it worth while. Inspire me, than tell me what EXACTLY your proposing.

Please, find some other excuse other than racism. Your black. We all know it. Don't rub the fact that your black and some of us aren't in our face every time we disagree with you. You propose a war against freedom. The American people will war against you. This is not because we are racist, but because we love Freedom.

Please, take us seriously. We stand in your front lawn with signs and flags not because we're bored and have nothing else to do. We believe in something bigger than equal results. We believe in something higher than the government. We believe in something that transcends all the change you desire. We have something to say. Listen to us.

Please, don't say we must be bi-partisan. We don't want to have a bi-partisan proposition. (Bi-Partisan simply means compromising with the enemy.) This is not what we stand for, this is not what we believe in, this is not who we are. We will not compromise.

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