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Monday, September 28

A Vivid Nightmare.

The following statemets are things that, if they were to ever come true, would be a complete nightmare to me:

To be completely understood.
To be socially acceptable.
To be common.
To be "just another."
To be perfect.
To be shallow.
To be labeled.
To be titled.
To be fake.
To be unaware.
To be limited.

These things are what I strive to never become.

Friday, September 25

My Issue with "Equality"

This article came to be as I was cutting my hair. Why? I don't really know. Anyways:

The two largests myths within the political arena are the human classifications of liberal and Conservative. It has been taught that the liberal cherishes Equality and the Conservative cherishes Freedom.

Now, when people make this classification, they make a large assumption: that Equality is a "whole" word, politically. Now, let me explain.

Equality has two sub-parts that make it a whole. There is Equal Opportunity and Equal Results. Let me give you an example of this assumption.

When people talk about evolution, they forget that there's two sub-parts of that too. Evolution, in its self, is not a "Whole" word. There is Macro Evolution and Micro Evolution. (Now, I won't get into the fairy tale of evolution in this article.)

liberals use this wide assumption, that Equality is a "Whole" word to their advantage. They say we are racist, because we don't support Equality. They say we support only the wealthy and the corporation, making us seem prejudice. They forget to mention the two parts of Equality.

The Conservative completely, most definitely supports Equal Opportunity. This is what makes America the great nation it is. We went through a civil war to spread Equal Opportunity. We have made dramatic changes to give the woman Equal Opportunity. Without Equal Opportunity, we would still be living in a 1800 America.

Where this gets a little tricky is when we state what we don't support. We DON"T support Equal Results. This is exactly what the liberal supports. The liberal says "If the white man is wealthy, the black man MUST be wealthy also." The liberal says "There can't be rich, because than there is poor. There must be equal results. Everyone must receive the SAME thing." The liberal does not believe in winners. For if there are winners, than their are losers. And it all returns to this idea. If someone gets something, EVERYONE must also get that thing. Where is the freedom in all of this? How am I free to be wealthy if EVERYONE will also get wealthy with me, thus making no one wealthy?

This is where the Conservative crosses the line. The Conservative believes that the human was created to have an equal opportunity to become wealthy, AND lives in the reality that not every human will choose to take that opportunity. There is a FREE choice (freedom) to take the equal opportunity (Equality) that will lead to wealth and prosperity.

This is why the Conservative supports the wealthy. They have chosen to work their butt off, taking the opportunity that only America offers, to become the best they could be.

So, to dismantle the idea that the liberal is the sole supporter of equality: The Conservative supports Equality AND Freedom. The liberal can NOT believe in freedom, or their entire religion is destroyed.

Monday, September 21

Words from the Astro Turf.

So, Joe Wilson yelled at Obama, saying "You Lie" after Obama says the health care reform won't cover illegal immigrants.

Wait. That's actually a lie.

I think Senator Wilson is a completely accurate representation of what the American people would like to tell Obama. Here are a few statements that I believe everyone would like to yell out during a phony speech:

Please stop lying to us. We love the fact that you want to inspire the American people, but please do this without putting Freedom, Liberty, and Truth on the stake.

Please, shut up. You talk too much. This is called being "annoying." If your going to talk, make it worth while. Inspire me, than tell me what EXACTLY your proposing.

Please, find some other excuse other than racism. Your black. We all know it. Don't rub the fact that your black and some of us aren't in our face every time we disagree with you. You propose a war against freedom. The American people will war against you. This is not because we are racist, but because we love Freedom.

Please, take us seriously. We stand in your front lawn with signs and flags not because we're bored and have nothing else to do. We believe in something bigger than equal results. We believe in something higher than the government. We believe in something that transcends all the change you desire. We have something to say. Listen to us.

Please, don't say we must be bi-partisan. We don't want to have a bi-partisan proposition. (Bi-Partisan simply means compromising with the enemy.) This is not what we stand for, this is not what we believe in, this is not who we are. We will not compromise.

Tuesday, September 15

Genuine Racism

I have a hard time taking anyone serious who gives "racism" as an argument for or against an issue.

America has come so far.

Racism is now simply just an excuse not to succeed, focus on the specific issues, or to move on.

Monday, September 14


What a concept!

To be alive, free, hopeful, filled with faith, purpose and choice, and to fill the future ahead of us, without limitations, brokenness or chains.

Church, we know too much to go back, too much to return to such a stagnant state of mind, too much to remain motionless, too much to let the passion fade, too much to allow others to go without, too much to keep quiet, too much to remain silent.

To Be.

It shouldn't even be a question.

Who can stop the sun from providing warmth, or the planets from rotating? In sickness and health, in conflict and peace: No one can stop us. Lets keep going, and never turn back.

Sunday, September 13

The Protestors

"We the people..."

When the politicians tell us to simply accept the things that are happening, when they prove to us their lack of intelligence by calling us names (AstroTurf), and when they give long, feathered up speeches about how "Obama is our savior, he will save the world from Evil/Capitalism/Conservatives," I'm reminded by the three strongest, most deep words ever to be written in the history of this great nation.

"We the people..."

See, the great thing about America is we get to make our own destiny. We choose the lifestyle that fits our personality and culture. We form our future. We, the People, created this great nation. We, the People, decide where this country should go. At least, that's how its supposed to be.

It saddens me that protesting, standing up when everyone is on their knee's to a tyrant, I mean, president, believing when all odds are against you, is no longer praised in this nation. It was off the splintered hands of the man who painted signs and slogans that made this nation great. When politicians have so much power to dictate a people out of firm belief, it eventually leads to a Democrat-run congress, and a nation who is holding on with its last grip to recover from a deep recession.

This is exactly why I raise my signs, wave my flag, and shout my slogans.

"We the People..."

It breaks my heart that people are so willing to label us "just another group of protesters." This is our future.

I guess I'm just sorry for believing in a better America. One that doesn't rely on the government for every little need, but an America that relies on what the Fore Fathers relied on:

"We the People..."

Saturday, September 12

The one who didn't fear.

Here is the story of one man's endeavor to find the Political Figure that broke the lines of stereotypical, Victim and Fear-Driven politics:

So, there I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, the television screen that I so heartily entrusted to bring me "Lost," "Monk," and other great television hits every week shot the dart of love into my body. There she was. The woman that so many had only foreseen in wild dreams and imaginations, the "impossible" figure we all were waiting for: The one politician who wasn't afraid.

So many politicians are driven by this thing called "fear." They are so afraid of either losing their job, of not being able to help the victims they create, of losing all their lobbied money... So much fear has grown into our political culture that no one dares to enter it with sophistication and intellect anymore.

For the most part, the Democratic, left-sided, individuals who so desire to keep themselves on the high-horse that their victims place them on are the fear-driven folks of our time. ("You can't survive on your own, you can't dare have your own private health care, how dare you succeed when everyone else is failing, you make HOW MUCH, and worked your butt for it? How dare you, you Racist.")

I have a hard time believing that if everyone in America decided to get off their butt, only rely on the government for only national security, the creation of post offices, and the other things SPECIFICALLY STATED IN THE CONSTITUTION, and stop playing "I'm the victim, your the savior" with Obama, that the Democrats would continue to have any political strength.

But back to the story.

There she stood, proud and tall, average and yet better than us all, someone people could look up to and believe in. Her name was Sarah. Sarah Palin. And she wasn't afraid of being American, a woman, OR white.

She believed in the people of this great nation, and continually granted all of us a higher authority as American citizens, while not managing her political agenda through our fear. She stood tall in her beliefs, even when criticized for them. She entered the political arena, while remaining one of us.

And even when she didn't win the Vice Presidency, she remained in the political arena, looking for a chance for REAL change (and not the pocket change obama has left you after his stimulus.)

Many blamed her for resigning from the Governor position, without truly knowing the facts. (This is what the democrats have done: Demonized the conservative movement, or the "other side." Wait a minute, didn't Obama say that was exactly what he WASN'T going to do?)

She resigned because she loved her state and her country too much. Too many democratic lies were spread amongst the governors position that it would have cost less for her to resign, than for her to continue. She is not for WASTING MONEY. (Can I get an Amen?)

Oh yeah, the story...

And so, its about three and a half more years till the next election, and she already has my support. For those of you whom hate her, stop being the victims, and be proud of who you are... Wait, than that'd make you realize the conservative movement was the successful, progressing one.


Ontology and Christianity

I am going to make my first attempt in writing and expressing the thoughts that have dominated my "past time" thinking for the past few months. This is a first attempt, and will obviously have many area's that are "grey," "misunderstood," or completely "confusing." I apologize for this.

Before I continue, I want to define a few things to help you, the reader, understand the words that I am using.

Ontology: From the books I've read, and the definitions I've come to believe, this word will, for the rest of my article, be defined simply as "the study of -to be-". Another definition that I've come to love as I've read a few existential articles is simply "the metaphysical study of -existence- itself."

To help, look at the pen, or paper, or phone, or whatever item is next to you. Is it real? What makes it real? Your ability to see it, touch it? Your ability to perceive it with your five senses? Your ability to use it? Is its existence dependent or independent from your existence? Is anything dependent or independent from your existence?

This is part of the process for the "Ontologist." The questions stated above will be referenced to, and hopefully answered, in the rest of the article.

Christianity: If I were to define Christianity, I would be limiting my God. So I'm completely hoping your definition is clear enough for YOU to reference it, if needed, on an unbiased level, for the success of my article.

Existence: I laughed after I wrote that word. Because my entire article will hope to truly define "existence." Haha. But the words meaning: to be really real, truly real, wholly real.

Now, to the grand presentation!

Since the Danes have birthed Soren Kierkegaard, Christian Existentialist has formed to be a type of "Anarchist Christianity," a type of Christianity that is simply erroneous in its claims that Jesus advocated Anarchy.

This is not the issue that I will be discussing. When I state "Christian Ontology," it is just that, Christian "Studies of what -is-."

Is what's in front of us real?

My answer is a sudden... Yes and No. The material world, the flesh, does not eternally exist. It temporarily exist.

God has given us a choice. To live according to the eternal things of heaven or to live according to the temporal things of this world.

God has gifted us with 5 different senses, and some could even argue more: Hearing (and within hearing, the ability to be aware of different tones, pitches, etc), Smelling, Seeing, Tasting, and Touching (and within Touching, The ability to be aware of different temperatures). It is with these gifts that we discover the temporal. it is NOT with these gifts, though, that we become aware of the Eternal.

Romans 8:5-7
"5Those who live according to the sinful nature(The temporal illusion of what "is") have their minds set on what that nature desires (Temporal); but those who live in accordance with the Spirit (Eternal existence.) have their minds set on what the Spirit desires (Eternal). 6The mind of sinful man[e] is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7the sinful mind[f] is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. 8Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. "

As Christians, we must become aware of the fact that everything in this world is temporal, from the pen and couch, to your fame and influence. We get lost in worshiping the temporal, instead of worshiping the eternal. GOD HAS GIVEN US THE TEMPORARY. He has gifted us a life in this world so that we may use it to our advantage, in our pursuit of aiding the lost and dying, the sick and hopeless.

In the grand scheme of things, the temporary isn't real. It is, and was, but it will never forever be. This is God, a God who Was, Is, and Is to Come, The Christ of "I Am." God is speaking in that still, small voice, saying to the world "I exist. Worship the Eternal."

The only thing Eternal is God. In Revelation, God say's "I will make a new heaven and a new earth." Not even the dwelling place of YHWH is eternal. Lucifer was once an angel, and is now Satan. His creations aren't eternal. Only HE.

We get lost in this paradox. "If the world isn't eternal, than gravity, the laws of physics, evolution, or science for that fact aren't eternal. Can we, than, place our trust in these things?" Absolutely not. Place our trust in the Eternal, the thing that exists, forevermore.

Everything but GOD is dependent on God, itself. (This will later on be explained deeper in two other articles I plan to write called "The Problem of Evil/Pain" and "An Atheists reliance to Denial: Questions that have already been answered.") BUT, GOD is not dependent on us. He would exists whether or not we existed. This is whats so amazing. He created because he WILLS for us to exists, and to know him. How amazing?!

I am now open for questions and points of clarification. (Student Congress. Gah!)