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Tuesday, January 12

The Growth of a Prayer 1/12/10

5 Years Old

Dear Jesus,

I got 98% on my test! And mommy put it on our fridagater. She was soo happy, and had a really big smile on her face. I remembereded her prayer, and I think you answered it. I hope you did. Because that would mean your going to gimme that red truck soon, too! I’m sorry jesus for being mad at you the other day. I was thinking, maybe you were just too busy at work or something to buy that red truck, so i’m sorry for bugging you. But I would really like one for my next birthday gift. I know it’s a loooong time away, but hopefully it’ll be enough time for mommy to get more checks or for you to send your angels for me to give it to me. Thanks again jesus!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, well its certaintly different. Oh, and Adam was just messing with you....
