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Monday, January 18

The Memoirs I Wish I could write Page 39

ing to take a walk, mom. We'll be back in a little while." Jane's mom looked worried, but trusted her daughter enough to let her make her own mistakes. I can distinctly remember the pale, anguished, compassionate stare she gifted my way, as I pulled Jane away from her.

"Come on Jane, she'll be here when we get back." I snickered, hoping to rid my face of any sorrow, as I led her towards the path in the park. Once we were out of her mothers sight, I let go of her hand. I knew where this journey would eventually end.

Our paths weren't destined to cross, yet we forced ourselves to smile in each others presence. The silence of the tree's became our nature.

"Isaiah, I really had a lot of fun today. I'm glad you came." I remained quiet. After looking at me, she realized something was amiss. "Well, we can either both pretend like there's nothing wrong, or you can just tell me what the matter is."

"You know I love you, right?" I blurted out.

"Isaiah?" Her throat croaked as the sorrow filled her heart.

"To be honest, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this whole thing we call 'us'. I mean, I really do love you, but my love for you doesn't make me happy. It really makes me kind of sad. Right now, nothing is making me happy. I mean, the whole issue with my dad and how much he's ruined my life." I know this probably wasn't the best thing to say, but it was what my heart told me. So, whether or not it was the most profitable, it was the most true.

"I don't understand?"

"I want you to know that I would never try to hurt you. I promised I wouldn't hurt you, and I'm going to stick to it. Above all, I want you to be happy, even if it means I'm not in the picture." I re

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